WHO Quality of Life, WHOQOL-BREF

Online version of the WHO Quality of Life (WHOQOL-100), a quality of life assessment developed by the World Health Organization with fifteen international field centres, simultaneously, in an attempt to develop a quality of life assessment that would be applicable cross-culturally.

WHO defines Quality of Life as an individual's perception of their position in life in the context of the culture and value systems in which they live and in relation to their goals, expectations, standards and concerns.

Full version WHOQOL-100 and brief version WHOQOL-BREF are available.

WHO Quality of Life, WHOQOL | form | sample

Author: WHO (1995, 2012)

WHO Quality of Life, WHOQOL-BREF | form | sample

Author: WHO (1996, 2012)

Test is provided for educational and entertainment use only. It is not intended to be a psychological advice of any kind, and come without any guarantee of accuracy or validity. Assesment is free and anonymous. You can save the direct link to your results.
