The following questions ask about how much you have experienced certain things in the last two weeks, for example, positive feelings such as happiness or contentment.
Do you worry about your pain or discomfort?
2. How difficult is it for you to handle any pain or discomfort?
3. To what extent do you feel that (physical) pain prevents you from doing what you need to do?
4. How easily do you get tired?
5. How much are you bothered by fatigue?
6. Do you have any difficulties with sleeping?
7. How much do any sleep problems worry you?
8. How much do you enjoy life?
9. How positive do you feel about the future?
10. How much do you experience positive feelings in your life?
11. How well are you able to concentrate?
12. How much do you value yourself?
13. How much confidence do you have in yourself?
14. Do you feel inhibited by your looks?
15. Is there any part of your appearance which makes you feel uncomfortable?
16. How worried do you feel?
17. How much do any feelings of sadness or depression interfere with your everyday functioning?
18. How much do any feelings of depression bother you?
19. To what extent do you have difficulty in performing your routine activities?
20. Are you bothered by any difficulties in your sex life?
21. How much are you bothered by any limitations in performing everyday living activities?
22. How much do you need any medication to function in your daily life?
23. How much do you need any medical treatment to function in your daily life?
24. To what extent does your quality of life depend on the use of medical substances or medical aids?
25. How alone do you feel in your life?
26. How well are your sexual needs fulfilled?
27. How safe do you feel in your daily life?
28. Do you feel you are living in a safe and secure environment?
29. How much do you worry about your safety and security?
30. How comfortable is the place where you live?
31. How much do you like it where you live?
32. Do you have financial difficulties?
33. How much do you worry about money?
34. How easily are you able to get good medical care?
35. How much do you enjoy your free time?
36. How healthy is your physical environment?
37. How concerned are you with the noise in the area you live in?
38. To what extent do you have problems with transport?
39. How much do difficulties with transport restrict your life?
The following questions ask about how completely you experience or were able to do certain things in the last two weeks, for example activities of daily living such as washing, dressing or eating.
Do you have enough energy for everyday life?
41. Are you able to accept your bodily appearance?
42. To what extent are you able to carry out your daily activities?
43. How dependent are you on medications?
44. Do you get the kind of support from others that you need?
45. To what extent can you count on your friends when you need them?
46. To what degree does the quality of your home meet your needs?
47. Have you enough money to meet your needs?
48. How available to you is the information that you need in your day-to-day life?
49. To what extent do you have opportunities for acquiring the information that you feel you need?
50. To what extent do you have the opportunity for leisure activities?
51. How much are you able to relax and enjoy yourself?
52. To what extent do you have adequate means of transport?
The following questions ask you to say how satisfied, happy or good you have felt about various aspects of your life over the last two weeks.
How satisfied are you with the quality of your life?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
54. In general, how satisfied are you with your life?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
55. How satisfied are you with your health?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
56. How satisfied are you with the energy that you have?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
57. How satisfied are you with your sleep?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
58. How satisfied are you with your ability to learn new information?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
59. How satisfied are you with your ability to make decisions?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
60. How satisfied are you with yourself?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
61. How satisfied are you with your abilities?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
62. How satisfied are you with the way your body looks?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
63. How satisfied are you with your ability to perform your daily living activities?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
64. How satisfied are you with your personal relationships?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
65. How satisfied are you with your sex life?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
66. How satisfied are you with the support you get from your family?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
67. How satisfied are you with the support you get from your friends?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
68. How satisfied are you with your ability to provide for or support others?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
69. How satisfied are you with your physical safety and security?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
70. How satisfied are you with the conditions of your living place?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
71. How satisfied are you with your financial situation?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
72. How satisfied are you with your access to health services?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
73. How satisfied are you with the social care services?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
74. How satisfied are you with your opportunities for acquiring new skills?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
75. How satisfied are you with your opportunities to learn new information?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
76. How satisfied are you with the way you spend your spare time?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
77. How satisfied are you with your physical environment (e.g. pollution, climate, noise,
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
78. How satisfied are you with the climate of the place where you live?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
79. How satisfied are you with your transport?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
80. Do you feel happy about your relationship with your family members?
Neither happy nor unhappy
81. How would you rate your quality of life?
82. How would you rate your sex life?
83. How well do you sleep?
84. How would you rate your memory?
85. How would you rate the quality of social services available to you?
The following questions refer to how often you have felt or experienced certain things, for example the support of your family or friends or negative experiences such as feeling unsafe.
How often do you suffer (physical) pain?
87. Do you generally feel content?
88. How often do you have negative feelings, such as blue mood, despair, anxiety, depression?
The following questions refer to any «work» that you do. Work here means any major activity that you do. This includes voluntary work, studying full-time, taking care of the home, taking care of children, paid work or unpaid work. So work, as it is used here, means the activities you feel take up a major part of your time and energy. Questions refer to the last two weeks.
Are you able to work?
90. Do you feel able to carry out your duties?
91. How satisfied are you with your capacity for work?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
92. How would you rate your ability to work?
The next few questions ask about how well you were able to move around in the last two weeks. This refers to your physical ability to move your body in such a way as to allow you to move about and do the things you would like to do, as well as the things that you need to do.
How well are you able to get around?
94. How much do any difficulties in mobility bother you?
95. To what extent do any difficulties in movement affect your way of life?
96. How satisfied are you with your ability to move around?
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
The following few questions are concerned with your personal beliefs, and how these affect your quality of life. These questions refer to religion, spirituality and any other beliefs you may hold. Once again these questions refer to the last two weeks.
Do your personal beliefs give meaning to your life?
98. To what extent do you feel your life to be meaningful?
99. To what extent do your personal beliefs give you the strength to face difficulties?
100. To what extent do your personal beliefs help you to understand difficulties in life?