Form: Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale, 3D-WS

Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale, 3D-WS
1. In this complicated world of ours, the only way we can know what's going on is to rely on leaders or experts who can be trusted
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
2. I am annoyed by unhappy people who just feel sorry for themselves
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
3. Life is basically the same most of the time
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
4. People make too much of the feelings and sensitivity of animals
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
5. You can classify almost all people as either honest or crooked
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
6. I would feel much better if my present circumstances changed
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
7. There is only one right way to do anything
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
8. There are some people I know I would never like
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
9. It is better not to know too much about things that cannot be changed
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
10. Things often go wrong for me by no fault of my own
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
11. Ignorance is bliss
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
12. I can be comfortable with all kinds of people
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
13. A person either knows the answer to a question or he/she doesn't
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
14. It's not really my problem if others are in trouble and need help
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
15. People are either good or bad
Strongly agree
Something in the middle
Strongly disagree
16. I try to look at everybody's side of a disagreement before I make a decision
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
17. If I see people in need, I try to help them one way or another
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
18. When I'm upset at someone, I usually try to “put myself in his or her shoes” for a while
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
19. are certain people whom I dislike so much that I am inwardly pleased when they are caught and punished for something they have done
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
20. I always try to look at all sides of a problem a
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
21. Sometimes I feel a real compassion for everyone
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
22. I try to anticipate and avoid situations where there is a likely chance I will have to think in depth about something
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
23. When I look back on what has happened to me, I can't help feeling resentful
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
24. I often have not comforted another when he or she needed it
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
25. A problem has little attraction for me if I don't think it has a solution
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
26. I either get very angry or depressed if things go wrong
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
27. Sometimes I don't feel very sorry for other people when they are having problems
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
28. I often do not understand people's behavior
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
29. Sometimes I get so charged up emotionally that I am unable to consider many ways of dealing with my problems
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
30. Sometimes when people are talking to me, I find myself wishing that they would leave
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
31. I prefer just to let things happen rather than try to understand why they turned out that way
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
32. When I am confused by a problem, one of the first things I do is survey the situation and consider all the relevant pieces of information
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
33. I don't like to get involved in listening to another person's troubles
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
34. I am hesitant about making important decisions after thinking about them
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
35. Before criticizing somebody, I try to imagine how I would feel if I were in their place
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
36. I'm easily irritated by people who argue with me
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
37. When I look back on what's happened to me, I feel cheated
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
38. Simply knowing the answer rather than understanding the reasons for the answer to a problem is fine with me
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself
39. I sometimes find it difficult to see things from another person's point of view
Definitely true of myself
Mostly true of myself
Something in the middle
Mostly not true of myself
Not true of myself