Test: | Your Style of Learning and Thinking, SOLAT |
Link: | persistent link: https://psytests.org/result?v=solb8G8F |
Right | 17 | |
Left | 14 | |
Integrated | 9 |
recognizing/remembering faces
responding to visual and kinesthetic instructions
playful and loose in experimenting
responds with emotion/feeling
interprets body language
produces humorous ideas
processes kinesthetic stimuli
subjective processing of info.
playful in solving problems
self acting; concrete thinking
likes improvising
highly psychic
high use of metaphors and analogies
responsive to emotional appeals
deals simultaneously with several problems at same time
creative, synthesizing, associating in reading
intuitive in solving problems
gives information through movement, gesture, etc.
uses images in remembering
grasps uncertain truths
recognizing/remembering names
responding to verbal instructions
systematic and controlled in experimenting
inhibited in responding emotionally
dependent upon words for meaning
produces logical ideas
processes verbal stimuli
objective processing of info.
serious, systematic in solving problems
receptive; abstract thinking
dislikes improvising
not psychic
little use of metaphors and analogies
responsive to logical, verbal appeals
deals with one problem at a time, sequentially
critical and analytical in reading
logical in solving problems
gives instructions verbally
uses language in remembering
grasps certain, established truths