Authenticity Inventory, AI-3

Test scores

Unbiased Processing
Relational Orientation


The measure is conceptually designed to assess the unimpeded operation of one's true- or core-self in one's daily enterprise. There are four components to how we conceive of authenticity: awareness, unbiased processing, behavior, and relational orientation. These components can be measured via content domains that were constructed as subscales and are described below:

• Awareness: Awareness of, and trust in, one's motives, feelings, desires, and self-relevant cognitions. Conceptually, this includes awareness of one's strengths and weaknesses, figure-ground personality aspects, emotions, and their roles in behavior.

• Unbiased Processing: Not denying, distorting, exaggerating, nor ignoring private knowledge, internal experiences, and externally based self-evaluative information. Conceptually then, this includes objectivity and acceptance of one's positive and negative aspects.

• Behavior: Acting in accord with one's values, preferences, and needs. Conceptually, this contrasts acting merely to please others, or to attain rewards, or avoid punishments even if it means acting «falsely».

• Relational Orientation: Valuing and achieving openness and truthfulness in one's close relationships. Conceptually, the relational component presumes it is important for close others to see the real you, good and bad. Moreover, relational authenticity means being genuine and not «fake» in one's relationships with others.
