Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding, BIDR-60

Test scores

Self-Deceptive Enhancement
[ average score ]
Impression Management
[ average score ]
Self-Deceptive Denial
[ average score ]

norms by authors


Self-Deceptive Enhancement (SDE) scale assesses nondeliberate socially desirable responding, where the respondent in fact believes the desirable responses are accurate self-reports.

Impression Management (IM) scale assesses socially desirable responding, where the respondent knows the responses are deliberately inaccurate.

Self-Deceptive Denial (SDD) scale originated in the psychoanalytic notion that people, to varying degrees have to confront thoughts that they find unacceptable. Some individuals are especially reluctant to admit that common thoughts about sex and aggression toward their parents ever cross their mind. The form of self-deception measured by the SDD has a moralistic, defensive tone akin to psychoanalytic denial. Thus the measure is complementary to the SDE scale, which indexes self-deception of an egoistic, over-confident nature.


See also: