The Luscher Color Test

Author: Max Luscher (1948, 1969)


You will be shown a set of eight color cards and asked to select the color which you like the best at the present moment.

Do not try to associate the color with something else, such as dress materials, furnishings, automobiles.

Just choose the color for which you feel the most sympathy.

Choose the one of the remaining colors, which you now like the best.
Choose the one of the remaining colors, which you now like the best.
Look the eight colors over and decide which color you like best.
Choose the one of the remaining colors, which you now like the best.

Now you will be asked to select color cards once again.

Do not try to remember or to reproduce your first selection.

Neither should you make a conscious effort not to reproduce it.

Choose the colors as though you were seeing them for the first time.