Authors: C. Hill, L. Preston (1996)
Please be extremely honest and think about yourself very carefully when responding to each statement!
There are no right or wrong answers.
This questionnaire asks you about reasons that you typically experience sexual feelings or that you become interested in sexual issues or behaviors. When you experience these feelings or interests, you may or may not always act on those feelings.
«Sex», «having sex», or «sexual activity» can include sexual behavior with another person (e. g., your spouse or lover), as well as sexual behavior by yourself (e. g., masturbation, viewing or reading erotic materials). «Partner» can refer to either your spouse or regular romantic partner or any individual with whom you have sex.
If you have never had sex or are not currently involved sexually with anyone, respond to the statements below like you think you would feel if you were involved in a sexual relationship or were sexually active.
Not all reasons for being interested in sexual issues or sexual behavior may be listed below. Many of the reasons included may not describe you well at all. If this is the case, please indicate that they are not true for you when rating them.
If a particular statement describes your typical reaction or feelings well, indicate that it is «Completely true».
f a particular statement does not describe you well or is opposite of the way you feel, indicate that it is «Not at all true».
Of course, you may choose any answer in between to indicate the degree to which the statement describes you or not.