Female Sexual Distress Scale, FSDS-R

Online version of the Female Sexual Distress Scale (FSDS-R, Revised 2005), a screening questionnaire for measuring sexually related personal distress in women with female sexual dysfunction (FSD).

Female Sexual Distress Scale, FSDS-R | form | sample

Author: L. DeRogatis et al. (2005)

Test is provided for educational and entertainment use only. It is not intended to be a psychological advice of any kind, and come without any guarantee of accuracy or validity. Assesment is free and anonymous. You can save the direct link to your results.

  • L. DeRogatis et al. The Female Sexual Distress Scale-Revised (FSDS-R; revised 2005): Screening Questionnaire for Measuring Sexually Related Personal Distress in Women With Female Sexual Dysfunction (FSD) // Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2008. 5