Form: Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS

Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, HADS
1. I feel tense or «wound up»
a) most of the time
b) a lot of the time
c) from time to time, occasionally
d) not at all
2. I still enjoy the things I used to enjoy
a) definitely as much
b) not quite so much
c) only a little
d) hardly at all
3. I get a sort of frightening feeling as if something awful is about to happen
a) very definitely and quite badly
b) yes, but not too badly
c) a little, but it doesn't worry me
d) not at all
4. I can laugh and see the funny side of things
a) as much as I always could
b) not quite so much now
c) definitely not so much now
d) not at all
5. Worrying thoughts go through my mind
a) a great deal of the time
b) a lot of the time
c) not too often
d) very little
6. I feel cheerful
a) not at all
b) not often
c) sometimes
d) most of the time
7. I can sit at ease and feel relaxed
a) definitely
b) usually
c) not often
d) not at all
8. I feel as if I am slowed down
a) nearly all the time
b) very often
c) sometimes
d) not at all
9. I get a sort of frightening feeling like «butterflies» in my stomach
a) not at all
b) occasionally
c) quite often
d) very often
10. I have lost interest in my appearance
a) definitely
b) not as much care as I should
c) may not take quite as much care
d) I take as much care as ever
11. I feel restless as if I have to be on the move
a) very much indeed
b) quite a lot
c) not very much
d) not at all
12. I look forward with enjoyment to things
a) as much as I ever did
b) rather less that I used to
c) definitely less than I used to
d) hardly at all
13. I get sudden feelings of panic
a) very often indeed
b) quite often
c) not very often
d) not at all
14. I can enjoy a good book or radio or TV programme
a) often
b) sometimes
c) not often
d) very seldom