Generic Scale of Phubbing, GSP

Online combined version of the Generic Scale of Phubbing (GSP) and the Generic Scale of Being Phubbed (GSBP), used to assess phubbing behavior and the experience of being phubbed.

Phubbing («phone» + «snigging») occurs when people snub or ignore other people in their company by concentrating on their smartphone instead. Being a phubbee involves being at the receiving end of phubbing behavior, and a phubber is a person who is phubbing.

Generic Scale of Phubbing, GSP | form | sample

Authors: V. Chotpitayasunondh, K. Douglas (2018)

Test is provided for educational and entertainment use only. It is not intended to be a psychological advice of any kind, and come without any guarantee of accuracy or validity. Assesment is free and anonymous. You can save the direct link to your results.
