1. In general company do you like to
2. In viewing a problem, do you
First seek a background of experience
First appraise the particular time-place-person
3. Is your nature more to
Think and feel about life
Throw yourself into active experience
4. Are you more interested in
Why a person is the way he is
5. Assuming your living was assured, would you follow a vocation
6. Do you like pictures with a sense of
7. In practice, are you
8. Granting that you are tactful in practice, what is your real impulse
9. In forming judgments, is your mental process mainly
To look for a guiding principle
To declare your personal valuation
10. In the study of mankind, do you prefer
11. Do you express yourself more easily in
12. Do you wonder what is behind people's remarks
13. Eager to join in other's plans
14. Do you prefer to
15. Is your impulse to be
16. When a book is disappointing do you
17. When about to travel, do you pack up
18. Mostly, do you prefer people with
19. Is it easier to devote yourself to
20. Is tact to you a matter of
Respecting independent views
21. In giving praise are you
22. Is your attitude becoming
23. Do you like to chat with clerks, hairdressers, porters, etc.
24. Is the telephone's ring a pleasure
25. Do you overlook details because of immediate interests
26. In reading, do you prefer
27. In perceiving things, is your first approach
28. In reasoning, do you proceed from
General rule to particular case
Particular case to general rule
29. Confronted with misfortuhnes in others is your impulse to
30. When you overhear 2 persons in a difference of opinion do you hope
Something good comes out of this
31. How many friends do you have
32. Regarding human reactions, are you interested more in
33. In reading, do you prefer
34. In color designs do you prefer
35. Do you spend or save
36. Is orderliness
37. Do you size up a person on the basis of a short interview
38. When your opinions vary from those of your circle are you
39. Are you more interested in people's
40. Do you take observations as facts
41. On which side is your temperament
42. In personal letters do you tend to
Alter words here and there
Let it go as first written
43. Do you enjoy meeting strange people
44. At home are you conversational
45. On vacation do you act mostly on
46. Do conclusions come to you by
47. If living alone would you
Not bother much with the details
Keep things in precise order
48. When you meet people do you prefer to discuss their
49. In reading, do you prefer
50. Do you prefer the entrance to a building
51. At a party are you happier with
52. When abed for a week or more, provided household and business are well taken care of, are you restless
53. Would you rather have friends around
54. When a person has a wrong idea, do you
55. Does a problem seem like a closed room which intuition has to open
56. In works of art, do you prefer mainly
57. Is neatness in you
58. Suppose you were waiting in a hotel with two lobbies, each in good taste in different colors, which would you choose
59. Towards goals once chosen, are you
60. Do you like making collections
61. Granting you like both, which do you prefer most of the time
62. In pictures, which attracts you more
63. Do you prefer to make decisions
64. Assuming equal familiarity, would you prefer to go to the theater to see
65. Are you unaccountably restless
66. When sleepless, do you take a pill
67. Before a spring landscape, are you more aware of
General lines and coloring
Details of sky, trees, flowers
68. Do you draw out people on
69. In reading for information, do your prefer the presentation
70. Do you tend to develop the
71. Do you like to be occupied with
72. Eager that others join your plans
73. In room decoration, do you prefer
74. Are you tempted to new pursuits
75. When picking a present for somebody, do you seek something
You think will be a present surprise
76. Were you born with a time clock in your mind
77. What style of art do you prefer
78. Is your temperament
79. Do you
Restrict your friends to a few with whom you are relatively confidential
Have many amicable relationships
80. Having formed an opinion, do you
81. With regard to future possibilities, do you
Cross bridges as they come
Plan for various contingencies